
DIY vs. Professional: When to Hire a Party Wall Surveyor London

  A party wall can be defined as an outbuilding, boundary, or wall that is shared with a neighbor or household. Party walls are common in semidetached and terrace houses but may also be present in detached properties when an invisible boundary line of the garden wall is shared. While spotting party structure is straightforward. Shared boundaries are not very easy to determine. If you decide to do some work on your party wall, you must talk to your neighbor. You should discuss all aspects of the work that needs to be done in detail. You also need to tell them why the process involves them. If they readily agree, then you may not need a party wall surveyor london . Avoiding disputes After reaching an agreement with the neighbors, there is still the chance that disputes may arise during the process. Conducting a property condition check before proceeding with the construction is essential to avoid this. Make sure you take photographic evidence as a reference point if needed. ...
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