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DIY vs. Professional: When to Hire a Party Wall Surveyor London


A party wall can be defined as an outbuilding, boundary, or wall that is shared with a neighbor or household. Party walls are common in semidetached and terrace houses but may also be present in detached properties when an invisible boundary line of the garden wall is shared. While spotting party structure is straightforward. Shared boundaries are not very easy to determine.

If you decide to do some work on your party wall, you must talk to your neighbor. You should discuss all aspects of the work that needs to be done in detail. You also need to tell them why the process involves them. If they readily agree, then you may not need a party wall surveyor london.

Avoiding disputes

After reaching an agreement with the neighbors, there is still the chance that disputes may arise during the process. Conducting a property condition check before proceeding with the construction is essential to avoid this. Make sure you take photographic evidence as a reference point if needed.

To make the entire process even more accessible, it is a good idea to hire local party wall surveyors. Ensure they are professional and capable of delivering the notice. The party wall surveyor cost is typically borne by the party getting the work done. In case a dispute arises, the surveyor will help find a resolution.

 It is vital to conduct informal discussions with all other building owners who could be affected even before the surveyor issues the party wall notice. This way, you avoid disputes and make room for open communication. It is the best way to have a good outcome.

When is a party wall notice required?

You need to issue a party wall notice when building within three meters of a party wall. This includes any shared boundaries. This notice should be served two months before the construction. All the legal owners should be notified if the proposed build affects them. These neighbors need to respond within 14 days.

Written consent is then given, meaning you are free to carry on with the project. If the neighbors don't respond or dissent to the request, the project owner must commission a party wall agreement. This is one of the reasons why you should leave the process to qualified party wall surveyors.

Why get a party wall surveyor

One of the reasons why alterations and extensions are carried out is to increase the property's value. The other reason is to upgrade its aesthetic appeal. However, all adjoining owners need to be notified. Mistakes and delays are common during such matters and can be costly if not handled well. This is one of the main reasons you need to find the best party wall surveyor London to handle such matters.

A surveyor handles the service of notices, party wall agreements, schedules of conditions, licenses to alter, and party wall awards. These professionals make the entire process straightforward, relieving the clients of the frustrating and complex processes. Surveyors are expert representatives who avert disputes and save you finances in the long run.

Whether a party wall surveyor is needed legally is often dependent on the current position you are in. The initial part where notices are served is something that you could do yourself or involve a surveyor. This notice may be drafted by you or professionally by the surveyor. However, finding a professional to handle the process from the start has its benefits.

If you issue the notice but don't get consent from the neighbors, then hiring a party wall surveyor is the only option available. This allows the professional to asses all the affected areas. They carry out the necessary documentation before construction starts to avoid misleading or unfair claims. The presence of the surveyors offers proof of the condition before construction.

Engage party wall surveyors

Even though the party wall surveyor fees lie squarely in the project owner, their benefits cannot be ignored. They manage the party wall award and set the time in a way that works for all parties involved. This means lesser property damage risks. Having a party wall surveyor from the onset ensures that the proper procedures are followed.
